On Tuesday the 29th of September 2020, Diamond Valley Community Support (DVCS) hosted an independently facilitated interactive online forum to learn about the Collective Impact framework and how organisations may use this framework to work together to Strengthen our Community.
The Collective Impact Forum was designed to:
• Explore Collective Impact as a model to improve links between agencies working together to address needs and challenges in the community and in organisations.
• Share the learnings and experiences of existing Collective Impact models to learn about the outcomes, challenges and benefits.
• Explore potential strengths and challenges of working with a Collective Impact model in the current and future recovery phase after COVID-19.
At the event there were 38 representative From within these organisations, the types of support provided to the community included emergency relief material aid, financial counselling, energy hardship assistance, food relief, education assistance and reconnection (with education and skills training) programs, crisis housing, mental health and a range of social support programs, along with Councils that provide a central role in supporting those organisations to deliver their services from 23 organisations across the region.
The report presents the findings from a pre-event survey with these organisations about their experience in providing support through COVID. It highlights the processes and outcomes from an existing Collective Impact Project – the Your Town Communities for Children Project in Queensland, and the outcomes from discussions and activities at the event that explored the elements of the Collective Impact Framework.