Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling
Family Drug Helpline
Offers support, information, education and confidential telephone service which provides confidential support to people who have
family members with alcohol or drug use issues.
UnitingCare ReGen-Odyssey House consortium
Intake and Assessment – a centralised service to coordinate people’s needs and entry into treatment services. This includes Counselling, Non-Residential Withdrawal – supporting people to undertake withdrawal at home or as an outpatient, Care & Recovery Co-ordination – a broad support service for people with more complex needs & Referral – access to a range of other AOD and community support services.
CatholicCare Family Service
Information and counselling services to support to people whose lives are affected by drug use and alcohol use; this includes both users and their family members and friends.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Free peer support group – meetings around Diamond Valley on different nights. Check website for location and time.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
NA is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. Free peer support service, including phone counselling. Meetings around Diamond Valley differ on times, location and days.
Banyule Community Health
Alcoholic and Other Drug (AOD) peer support groups, case management and counselling (12 free sessions). Gamblers Help is also based here. No referral required. Uniting ReGen also based here.
Salvation Army - Bridgehaven
A residential alcohol & other drugs rehabilitation service for women & women with children. The program involves a 4 month residential stay and a 4 to 6 month aftercare program. Bridgehaven also oversees the management of the Eunike Women's AOD Supported Accommodation Program. The Eunike program is a 3-12-month Drug and Alcohol Supported Accommodation program for women with or without accompanying children.
Phone-Based counselling service for those with AOD issues or for family and friends. Also provides referral service to local agencies and intake and assessment over the phone.
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS)
Youth Support + Advocacy Service (YSAS) provides free AOD Counselling and a range of programs to support for people aged 12 – 21 years dealing with AOD issues. Phone support – 1800 458 685, 9am – 8pm, Mon to Fri.