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Community Pantries

A community pantry is a cupboard full of non-perishable food, located in an accessible space, for community members who are experiencing food insecurity to help themselves to. Ideally, they are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, require no appointments and are open to whoever needs food.
The Community Pantry Network has a “Give what you can, take what you need” philosophy with people able to donate to the pantry as well. Pantries consist largely healthy nutritious non-perishable food, toiletries and information to bring relief closer to where people need to access it.
Each Community Pantry is managed by local community groups.
Pantry Locations
Eltham Lions Club
2 Youth Road, Eltham
Open 24/7
LINC @St Margarets Church
79-81 Pitt Street, Eltham
Open 24/7
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