Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexual health Victoria
Family Planning Victoria has a focus on reproductive and sexual health care, education and advocacy.
Community Midwifery (Banyule Community Health)
Provides midwifery care, extra midwifery support, pre-pregnancy counselling, pregnancy testing, breastfeeding support, education, information and antenatal care for pregnant women with additional needs including teenage women, women of non-English-speaking backgrounds, newly arrived refugees, women with disabilities, women with chemical dependencies, women who have experienced recent perinatal death, women without family or social support networks and women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Well Women's Clinic (Mercy Hospital)
A women's health clinic, with referrals as necessary, offers family planning & fertility advice, pregnancy testing & advice, Pap smears, breast examination and rubella immunisation. The Outreach Community Education program conducted by the clinic provides women's health promotion and education on preventive health strategies.
Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (NCASA)
Northern CASA provides free therapeutic services to women, men and young people over the age of 12 years who have experienced sexual assault (past or recent) and their non-offending family members and friends. Northern CASA provides a range of services including 24hr crisis care for recent victims of sexual assault (17 years and over), counselling, group work and advocacy.